MA and MSc Supervision

Jess supervises research conducted by students on the following undergraduate and postgraduate-taught degree programmes at the University of Edinburgh: MA Social Anthropology (and joint degrees), BMedSci Anthropology and Sociology of Medicine, MSc Social Anthropology, MSc Medical Anthropology, and MSc Global Mental Health.

PhD Supervision

Jess supervises doctoral research for the PhD programme in Social Anthropology at the University of Edinburgh.

She is presently supervising the following projects:

Leah Eades (post-field, abortion liberalisation in Ireland)

Marte Knudsen (fieldwork, community organising around senses of insecurity in the United States)

Robyn Thomas (fieldwork, meaning-making in psychosis and alternative therapeutics in the UK)

If you are interested in having Jess supervise your doctoral research, you can read more about the application and supervision process here.

Edward Hopper, (Rocks and Sea) (1916-1919)


Culture & Mental Health in a Global Perspective